Mark your calendars for two upcoming C3 events this Spring!
Chicago Composers’ Consortium and Yarn/Wire
New Music for 2 Pianos & 2 Percussion
April 5, 2025, 7:30 pm
PianoForte Chicago
1335 South Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL
C3 is thrilled to welcome Yarn/Wire, the acclaimed New York-based quartet (pianists Laura Barger and Julia Den Boer, percussionists Russell Greenberg and Sae Hashimoto) in a program of new music for 2 pianos, 2 percussion at the elegant PianoForte Chicago in the South Loop. The program will feature music of five Chicago composers plus the Chicago premiere of Steve Reich’s iconic ‘Quartet’, which Reich calls “one of the more complex I have composed.”
Tickets: $25/$5
Ascensions – Timothy Dwight Edwards *
‘After Clouds,…’ – Elizabeth Start *
Au revoir a soi – Timothy Ernest Johnson *
Game of Fibs – Amos Gillespie *
Before the Light – K.C. Ginther *
Quartet – Steve Reich (Chicago premiere)
* world premiere
Yarn/Wire is a NYC-based piano and percussion quartet dedicated to energetic and insightful performances of today’s most adventurous music, and to the promotion of creative, meaningful live musical experiences in the US and abroad. Yarn/Wire started making music together in 2005, focused from the beginning on creating music in partnership with composers, sound artists, noise musicians and more people around the globe who inspired them. Now, some 18 years later, Yarn/Wire is still guided by the same principles of openness, curiosity, and experimentation. New York Classical Review writes: “Yarn/Wire may well be the most important new music ensemble on the scene today.”
Chicago Composers’ Consortium and Artemisia Vocal Ensemble
Les Voix du Femmes
May 10, 2025, 7:00 pm
Horatio N. May Chapel
Rosehill Cemetery
5800 N. Ravenswood
Chicago, Illinois
We’re delighted to partner once again with Chicago’s Artemisia Vocal Ensemble in a concert of new works by Chicago composers, presented at the intimate and exquisite Horatio N. May Chapel in Ravenswood. This concert, planned for 2021 but never presented live due to the pandemic, has finally been rescheduled for its live performance premiere. Hope you can join us in this architectural and acoustical gem for a unique musical event!
Tickets: $25/$5